Prepare for Internship Connect Presentation
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How can I prepare to meet with professionals?
What do I say to professionals?
Do I show my portfolio at Internship Connect?
Is there in person etiquette I should know?
What is Internship Connect?
Internship Connect provides a rare opportunity to meet with art and design professionals in your field of interest. This event is one of the best ways to learn how to network with employers who are interested in RISD students and may lead to finding your next internship or art opportunity.
How can I prepare to meet with professionals?
Evaluate companies and organizations registered in ArtWorks. Keep an eye on the Participating Companies page leading up to the event.
Prioritize the companies and organizations you want to meet with. Research their websites, follow them on social media, learn about their staff on LinkedIn and search for them in the news and industry publications.
Formulate custom questions for each company and organization you are meeting to demonstrate your knowledge and interest in them. Be ready to draw meaningful connections between their work and yours.
What do I say to professionals?
The Introduction: Begin by thanking the professional for meeting with you, tell them your name, year in school and major. Explain why you are interested in them and how your skills and interests would be useful to them as an intern.
Your story: What do you want to do? What are your goals? What do you enjoy? What are your passions? What skills do you have? Write it down. Talk it out. Practice your pitch. Nobody knows you better than you. Be confident - they are here to see you!
Types of Questions to Ask:
What types of internship opportunities are available?
Can you tell me about your role in the organization?
What are you looking for in a potential intern?
How are interns involved in the work of the company?
Where can I find your internship postings when you have them?
When is the best time to apply?
Are your internships paid or unpaid, and would I be able to earn academic credit for the experience?
You can also meet with a Career Center staff member to discuss your approach.
What should I bring to Internship Connect?
The focus of this event is on networking and brief discussions.
Bring multiple printed copies of your resume or CV to give to employers as an expression of your interest and interest in following up with them.
If you have an online portfolio be sure to include the URL on your resume.
Optional: You may want to consider making copies of a printed portfolio sample to highlight your key skill sets and entice the viewer to want to see more.
Portfolio reviews are not encouraged or expected.
Bring your questions! Get to know employers, ask them questions about their internships and how-to follow-up with them in the coming weeks.
What is the etiquette for Internship Connect?
It is customary in the USA to shake hands with the professionals you meet if you're comfortable doing so.
You may also greet employers with a smile and a simple nod or bow if you prefer.
Make eye contact with company representatives to enhance your discussions.
Keep your conversation brief out of courtesy to your peers, this will also help to avoid long lines at employer tables.
Booths with short lines may offer a rare opportunity for longer conversations with professionals.
How should I dress?
It is better to err on the side of formality for this event. Professionalism in your appearance is a compliment to the quality of your work.
What if I need HELP during Internship Connect?
The Career Center staff will be on hand to assist with any last minute questions or concerns throughout the duration of the event. Whether you have a question or if you're having second thoughts, or you're unsure about something a company representative told you.
Visit the INFO table in the student waiting area for assistance.

3:00 pm
Student Check-In Opens – You must present your RISD student ID!
4:00 pm
Ballroom doors open for event
Event concludes
7:00 pm
Students may attend Internship Connect anytime between 4:00 and 7:00 PM and stay for all or part of the event.
Students must present a RISD ID to enter the event. First Year Undergraduate students are not eligible to attend.