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How does Internship Connect Remote work?

Internship Connect Remote is a new and effective way to scout for talented RISD students. The event will be held on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th from 6:00-9:00 PM ET.

Students will sign-up in advance to meet with you for 15 minute remote meetings.


Companies and organizations can register here to participate.


The Career Center encourages you to enlist multiple representatives to attend so you can meet with as many students as possible. One schedule will allow you to meet with up to 10 students.


When you register you’ll indicate your RISD majors of interest, the representatives' names and titles, and their remote meeting links.


There is a flat fee of $75 to participate in Internship Connect Remote.


Event Schedule


The Career Center will send you the schedule of the students you'll meet with including their resumes and application documents on 10/21/2022.

At the event on 10/26 & 10/27, each student on your schedule(s) will join your remote meeting at their designated time for a 15 minute conversation.


The Career Center will also provide resumes and application documents for any student that didn't make it onto your schedule so you may network with them as well.

Why is Zoom preferred over other video platforms?

Zoom is the official video conferencing platform at RISD and used by all students. Using Zoom for Internship Connect Remote will reduce technical challenges by simplifying communication methods for this fast-paced event. A Zoom Pro account with unlimited meeting durations for $15/month is available at​

Each representative supporting a schedule will provide a unique meeting link. Students will use this link at their scheduled meeting time.

If two representatives want to meet on a single schedule, only one meeting link will be needed.

If you have questions about using Zoom or another preferred video conferencing platform (ie. Microsoft Teams, GoogleMeet, Ring Central) please contact the Career Center! Email us at: and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.

Preparation is key for an exceptional experience. Companies or organizations with robust recruitment operations are strongly encouraged to enlisting multiple representatives to manage multiple schedules to maximize your engagement with students.



What are common discussion topics?

Students are eager to learn about your working environment, plans for recruitment and what you look for in creative staff. Career advisors recommend the following information and questions to students in preparation for the event.


Students are advised to introduce themselves by describing their skills, interests and career objectives. Students are encouraged to research your company or organization in advance and share their enthusiasm for what you do, and to explain where they see areas of compatibility with your work. 

Common student questions are:

What types of internship opportunities are available and when should I apply?

Can you tell me about your role in the organization?

What are you looking for in a potential intern?

How are interns involved in the work of the company?

May I have your email address so I can follow up with you?

How should I manage my Interviewees?

Interviewers are responsible for managing their schedule/s. Students are instructed to join their scheduled meetings no more than one minute in advance. You and the student should plan to end your meeting promptly out of respect for your next student interviewee.

Preparation and familiarity with your meeting platform will ensure a productive meeting for both parties. Consider using a Zoom with a waiting room to prevent incoming students from disrupting your meetings in-progress. If you have an additional staff member that can serve as receptionist, you may be interested in Zoom breakout rooms

Test out your meeting with the Career Center staff in advance! We’re happy to schedule a quick  meeting to help resolve technical issues before the event.​

IMPORTANT: The free version of Zoom has a 45-minute limit on all meetings. Upgrade Zoom for unlimited meeting durations. 

Note: Not all employers are using Zoom and have coordinated their alternative with the RISD Career Center in advance. 

If you are having trouble with Zoom, contact their support staff for immediate help. 

If you are having trouble with your schedule and/or ArtWorks, contact us at

What if I don't have internships available?

Employers are encouraged to post their open positions in ArtWorks, however, Internship Connect Remote does not require that you have a current opening/s to participate. This event is intended to help you build your talent pipeline for future recruitment. Internship Connect Remote enhances students' professional skills and solicits feedback and advice from professionals like you! 

Companies and organizations that do have internships posted to ArtWorks will be promoted via social media so students are aware of your opportunities!

Does RISD support remote internships?

Yes! The following Guidelines for Remote Internships are highly recommended for effective remote internship experiences. These guidelines are based on NACE best practices and were used successfully by over 200 employers who hired RISD students for summer 2020 and 2021. 



What if I have a problem during the event?

The Career Center will be on call during the event on 10/26 and 10/27 from 6 to 9PM EST. Contact or call 401-454-6622 for prompt assistance. 

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