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Prep to Connect Workshop

Date, time and location TBD
Learn how to make the most of Internship Connect!

You are strongly encouraged to attend Prep to Connect. All companies and organizations attending Internship Connect will have internship opportunities and this workshop will help you get ready to meet with them.


Prep to Connect will:

  • Provide details on what companies expect from students

  • Offer tips and advice on how to greet and introduce yourself professionally

  • Provide examples of the types of materials you should bring to leave behind

  • Suggest best ways to follow up with companies and organizations after the event

  • Allow you to practice your introduction

  • Give you a chance to ask your specific questions


Register for Prep to Connect and Internship Connect in ArtWorks!


Did you miss Prep to Connect?  View the presentation here!

Begin to Prepare Now!
  • Resume: Your resume should be updated with skills you’ve acquired this summer and/or will have by the end of fall semester, as well as any recent fall or summer activities (internships, jobs, volunteer work etc.). Bring multiple copies of your resume to leave with the people you talk to.  Remember to include a URL to your work at RISD Portfolios and/or your website, if applicable.

    Check out our Resume Guide if you need help getting started.


  • Portfolio Sample: Develop a portfolio sample (one or two pages with images of projects completed or in process, with your name and contact information or a URL link to your work online) as a great compliment to your resume. Be prepared with multiple copies and bring them along to leave behind with your resume. This is not a portfolio review and meeting time is limited so do not bring your full portfolio!


  • Other Materials: Consider creating a business card or post card with contact information and link to your work online which are also great items to leave behind. Think of other unique items you might be able to create to leave a lasting impression.

    Check out some Examples of Promotional Materials.


  • Dress for Success: It is better to err on the side of formality than informality when attending Internship Connect. Professionalism in personal apperance is a strong complement to the quality of your work. See photos of the event on the home page of this site and in the Prep to Connect presentation for examples of business casual attire.

Know the Companies and Organizations Attending
  • The Career Center will regularly post updates on companies and organizations attending. Updates can be seen here: Participating Companies 2015

  • Prioritize the companies and organizations you want to meet with.
    Look at their websites. Follow them on social media. Learn about them on LinkedIn.

  • Formulate a question or thought specific to the company/organization you are meeting to demonstrate your knowledge and interest in them.

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